Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Today so far

Today I woke up feeling quite pregnant and quite tired after a restless night of not sleeping. Sadly, at 4 am I was hungry, but too tired to get up, so by the time I got breakfast at 7:30 I was sick to my stomach because I was too hungry. O.K. doesn't wait for food. I spent much of the time between 7 and 7:30 when Allyssa and I ate begging Allyssa to understand that Mommy could not pick her up because Mommy didn't feel good while I cried as I made an omelet for her to eat. Thanks to Sarah, omelets only take 2 minutes to cook after they are mixed up, so breakfast wasn't difficult. By 10am, I felt much better, so the day went better after that. Allyssa got a late snack because of my bad morning, so she hardly ate any lunch and went straight down for a nap. What a good girl! She's such a sweetie. I've known for a couple of weeks that new teeth would be coming. For the past week, she's been chewing on her hand, so they're getting close. I thought that she was getting two teeth on the bottom. Turns out that not only is she getting those but she is also getting a tooth that I thought that she already had. See my little girl had a gap in the middle of her front two teeth. I thought that she would have a space like mine. Not the case. The front tooth was just slow to come in. There is a tooth now coming in between what I thought were her top two teeth. I'm hoping that there is room for it to squeeze in there. Allyssa's doctor says that the APA now recommends that kids see the dentist when they are one. I haven't taken her yet, but I'm thinking I might next week before O.K. is born.

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