Monday, December 10, 2007

David's Stole

I try not to put a whole lot about what David and I are up to in this blog because it is Allyssa's blog, however, I've had several people ask for me to post pictures of the following. For those of you who don't know, I worked very hard at getting this stole done for David by Advent. I had planned to work on it before I had Allyssa, but that didn't work out as she came early. While I was working hard on this, I had lots of people talk to me about it. For those of you who rudely said things like, "Doesn't Laura know that David needs that?" and "Don't you know when Advent is?" The answer is "Yes" to both of those questions. I finished the stole with time to spare. Here's the picture for those that were kind enough to say, "I know you can get it done!" For those of you who were rude, please, skip the pictures and move on to other pictures of Allyssa.


Wendy said...

I love David's stole! I am so glad you posted the pics. You did a great job. And all that matters is that is got done in time!

Anonymous said...

It looks great!!
Love, Cristy

Black Family said...

Beautiful, Laura--you are really a whiz with needlework!