Sunday, May 25, 2008

More from the zoo

We went to the zoo with our friends, Heather (mom), Mack (2 1/2), and Ashton (1 year). We had a great time looking at the animals. The kids loved this alligator!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Gladys Porter Zoo, Brownsville, May 12

Here are some pictures, I'll have the story later. Allyssa didn't want a nap today.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

First balloon

Because I use the HEB green bag instead of their plastic bags when I go to the grocery store, Allyssa was given an HEBuddy balloon that was tied to a lolipop (she did not eat the lolipop). She loved it. She played with it in the car until we got home. At home, she became confused by it. She wasn't sure if it worked. She kept hitting it and it would do weird things and frustrate her. She loved it though!

May 7th

Mommy put shoes on Allyssa. She did not cry because she had shoes on, but she did not want to walk in them. Mommy convinced her to walk a few steps, but she wasn't a big fan. Here she is taking them off.

Words Allyssa says

Mama, Dada, Dad-day (she says it a litte funny!), b-uh (book), Bah (ball), I-Dah (Aiti), Bih (bird), Duhh (duck)

That's all I can think of, but it is really cute!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Doctor visit

We went to the doctor yesterday. Allyssa has a little ear infection. The good news? She is 27 inches long and 19 pounds 6 oz!! Hooray! She grew!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Almost forgot

Allyssa has favorite books each day. She cries when they are over and wants them read again and again. She anticipates what is on the next page and peaks before I get the page turned. Cutie!

Growing up

Allyssa has really grown up this week. She cruises around a lot more. She shares her toys with Daddy and Mommy (we don't even have to hold our hand out, we just say "Can Daddy/Mommy have a toy?" and she gets a toy and opens our hand and puts it in, she'll even crawl across a room to give a toy to us). She puts toys in her push wagon to take along with her (she has been filling buckets with blocks, but hadn't taken toys with her in her push toy, but now she'll stop, pick up a toy, put it in, and then go again). She pats her head when Daddy asks her where her head is. She loves to play ball. And she is an excellent waver. What a big girl!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Car rides

Allyssa did very wonderfully in the car today. We had to go to Harlingen. She cried a little on the way there, but I gave her 2 pacifiers and she fell asleep. Then on the way back she played for a few minutes and then fell asleep with no pacifier and without crying. Unfortunatly, she didn't want a morning nap this morning, and since she took one, afternoon nap was difficult. She usually goes down around 12:45 or 1, but today it was 2. Oh well, at least she's sleeping!

11 months old, Cinco de Mayo

To read about what happend this day, click here.

Silly girl, May 4th

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

April 30 and May 1

Allyssa got bit by something, probably an ant. She had to take orapred again. Only for 3 days this time though. The doctor said that she had to wear pants and shoes when she goes outside. I haven't made her wear shoes, but I have put socks on her. I didn't want to aggravate the blister. It popped on May 1st when we were playing. She didn't seem to care.

Goofy girl! April 28th

Parade, April 27th

Daddy and Allyssa marched around the kitchen to Allyssa's delight!

April 27th, Another pool party

Putting a bathing suit on Allyssa is too hard. Today, it was just bloomers. She didn't care and had a great time!

Basketball goal

David's been working for several days to get ready to put in a basketball goal. The hole is 3 foot 8 inches deep! It is a 2 foot square at the surface. It was a lot of hard work, but he is looking foward to the new toy!

Pool Party, April 23

Allyssa liked the pool at the hotel in SA so much that we got her one! She loves it!

April 23, Allyssa works on a puzzle

April 22, Allyssa starts walking behind her wagon

Grandma's visit, April 21

We had a great time visiting with Grandma. Allyssa loved showing off her new talents. Grandma also taught her how to take a nap. She now takes at least an hour and 20 min nap, sometimes longer, evey afternoon. The trick? Wrap her in a blanket. I was scared to do that because of suffocation, but she hasn't. A few days after Grandma left, we took her advice and began using a bigger blanket, which made wrapping her up easier. Allyssa loves the blanket Grandma Piehl made for her. We also started letting her use it at night. I was more scared about that because I would be asleep and wouldn't be checking on her. She now wakes up fewer times at night. She still gets up early (5am today!), but she doesn't wake up as often at night. Hooray! Thanks Grandma!

Monday, May 5, 2008


I hope you enjoy the pictures. That's as many as I have ready right now. At least I'm not a month behind, only a few weeks behind now. Today Allyssa was 11 months old! Happy Cinco de Mayo! This morning all she wanted to do was practice walking. She's never done that before. She walked around the wall that separates the living room and kitchen at least a dozen times, and then did it some more throughout the day. I guess that she decided that at 11 months she should be learning that. She also gave up her morning nap. I could see this one coming, but wasn't thrilled about it. The past couple of days she slept in much later than her normal 5:20 or 5:40. Sunday, she was very obstinate about taking a nap, but took a brief one. She cried longer than she napped. So, today, she cried for a while and I decided that it was enough. She actually did well. She took her normal afternoon nap at the right time and for a normal length (an hour and a half these days). Big girl! One more month until the big day!

April 16 and 17; This is what Allyssa gets herself into

April 13th; Fun with Daddy

April 13th, Back home and off to church

Last pictures from San Antonio

Allyssa got to get in the pool at the hotel. She LOVED it! She laughed and kicked! The wter was cold, so I didn't let her play as long as she would have liked, but a pool for our house was definatly on my list. We now have one that is just the perfect size for Allyssa.

More from San Antonio