Monday, November 3, 2008

Time Change Is Stupid

In talking with my sister today, I was reminded that not everyone agrees with this fact. She doesn't. She doesn't have children who are born yet. I must say, when you do, Cristy, you'll share my opinion. That is why I call it a fact. Allyssa wanted lunch early. I gave in at 11:15 and she ate what she could before falling asleep eating. Poor girl. She doesn't do that normally. She slept very well for her nap. Then had a fun day, but still got hungry and tired before supper and bedtime. We gave in a put her to bed 15 minutes early. Poor girl was so tired. Hopefully it will get easier tomorrow. Seriously though, I could do without time change. I understand that some events need daylight. I don't understand why this is an issue. Just schedule those events during daylight hours. Works for me. If I could, I'd operate on one time the whole year. Really I would. Unfortunatly, life doesn't work that way. Too bad I don't live in one of those areas that doesn't change time. I know that those areas exist, but I don't know where they are. Maybe I should find out before I wish myself there.

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