Saturday, March 14, 2009

Full Term and a Story

Yesterday I was officially full-term. I am now 37 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I feel good. I'm no longer as sleepy in the morning, but I get very tired in the late afternoon. This week I've gotten up early enough to fix waffles one day and French toast another for the family for breakfast. It was good to finally get to fix breakfast for everyone again and not be dragging. It also helps that we got a new waffle maker, thanks to swagbucks, that also doubles as a griddle! It is very exciting because we haven't had a waffle iron in a LONG time because ours broke so many times that we gave up on it (we kept shipping it back to the company and the same piece would break again and again). The griddle sure made making French toast less time consuming!

I stubbed my toe this past week really hard. Most people yelp or scream something when this happens. I did. I shouted "Oww! Pain!" Allyssa thought that sounded like a fun thing to yell, so she shouted "Owww! Pain!" several times after that. I'm really glad that that is what I screamed!

***Swagbucks is a search engine that gives points for searching. Each point you earn gets you closer to winning a prize. My favorite prize is the $5 gift card to, but they have hundreds of options!
Search & Win

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